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Students unable to withdraw from courses

As part of applications for study visas, students using the fast-track study permit Student Direct Stream were required to pay for a full…

Indian students flock back to US universities as visas fast-tracked

Sahil Kumar (name changed on request) landed in New York from Delhi last week to join a masters programme in…

Late course changes and uncertainty: Why some students are finding ‘a bit of a dumpster fire’ back on campus

Canadian college and university students were anticipating a more normal return to campus this fall, after most only had classes online…

Why some edtech investors could finally be set for a post-pandemic payday

For years, many venture capitalists were skeptical about betting on education technology startups, in large part because of a dearth…

How EU edtech startups are navigating the pandemic

The Transform Technology Summits start October 13th with Low-Code/No Code: Enabling Enterprise Agility. Register now! The edtech sector was ripe…

The PIE Webinar – Building Back: Recruitment and Recovery after COVID-19

The PIE Webinar – Building Back: Recruitment and Recovery after COVID-19 – Crowdcast 0) return error } catch (e) {}…

Session on “Student Visas and Graduate Immigration Route”

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